( Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology )

ASPEN stands for Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology. ASPEN Society is a society of societies in Asian region to promote collaboration among societies and to encourage and research activities of young promising researchers.

11thASPEN2025November 25-28, 2025New Taipei City, Taiwan
10thASPEN2023November 21-24, 2023Hong Kong
9thASPEN2022November 15-18, 2022Singapore
→ Report
November 12-15, 2019Matsue, Japan
7thASPEN2017November 14-17, 2017Seoul, Korea
6thASPEN2015August 15-19, 2015Harbin, P.R. China
5thASPEN2013November 12-15, 2013Taipei, Taiwan
4thASPEN2011November 16-18, 2011Hong Kong
3rdASPEN2009November 11-13, 2009Kitakyushu, Japan
2ndASPEN2007November 6-9, 2007Gwangju, Korea
1stASPEN2005November 12-14, 2005Shenzhen, China