Eight Core Technologies and Research Areas
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- About JSPE
- Eight Core Technologies and Research Areas
The JSPE covers wide areas of Precision Engineering, such as.
- Design and Production System
- Precision Machining
- Mechatronics and Precision Machinery
- Precision Measurement
- Human and Environmental Engineering
- Materials and Surface Processing
- Bioengineering
- Micro/Nanotechnology and Emerging Technologies

- No. of members ・・・・・ about 4,000 (started by 300 in 1933)
- Membership ・・・・・ Regular, Student, Corporate
- Organization ・・・・・ Headquarter & 7-Branches
- Board ・・・・・ President, 3-Vice Presidents, 23-Directors
- Activities ・・・・・ Leading Academic Society for “MONOTSUKURI「ものつくり」”
- Annual Meeting (Spring, Autumn)
- Industry–University Cooperation (Symposium, Tutorial lecture, ・・・)
- 22 – Technical Committees
- about 45 – Affiliates of young researchers and engineers
- Publication (Journal of JSPE, Precision Engineering)
- International Conference (ICPE)
- Public relation & Information
- Fiscal Budget ・・・ about 2,000,000yen (2 million dollars)